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You can choose to stream, record, playback, and all the other necessary video functions from the application itself. Splitcam does not let you compromise with anything. Let your videos from your webcam be full of colors and resolution with Splitcam. YouTube, Messenger, Windows Live, Skype, Zoom, ooVoo, and many other sites are perfectly compatible with this application. Not only do you get brilliant video calling and filter features, but you also can stream anywhere you want. It might sound gimmicky but truth to behold, it’s a lot of fun! Streaming Services Imagine, implement, and do! It’s that easy with Splitcam to replace your head with 3D objects or animal heads. Your video will run in multiple apps without any hiccups.

But you won’t have to worry about that with Splitcam because of its video splitting feature.

Your current webcam might often show the webcam is used by another application message. Here are the cool webcam features that’ll surely spark a new joy every time you go on a video call- Video Splitting This webcam application can change your whole video calling and streaming experience with its funky and awesome features! Streaming Features Obviously, there isn’t much of a reason to do so in the first place unless you encounter a cool software like SplitCam.

Not many use webcam applications with their PC or laptop.